That's the headlines on USA Today's "Newsline". The rest of the story explains that because of recent federal banking rule changes, banks are scrambling to find ways to recoup their losses caused by the changes. According to Greg McBride, senior financial analyst for Bankrate, "Banks are adding fees to recover from new regulations that could cost billions in lost revenue"
Wait a minute! I chose your bank BECAUSE the checking was free. Now you are going to start charging me? What's up with that? And this on the heels of Netflix increasing their fees too. Everything is changing. Or is it? I was reminded that there is something, or actually someone that never changes:
Did you see that coming? Probably. But it is true. While literally everything around us is changing, it is good to know that the one who created us and who knows us best is not in the chameleon mode. In fact, His favorite nickname is "I Am". How original is that? -- well after all, He is the ORIGINAL original. And yet the One who never changes did something 2,000 years ago to change everything:
He sent Jesus, the greatest game-changer of all
What can man do to me?” 7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Now that really is change we can believe in!
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