Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Romance and Security-Two Sides of the Same Coin

“Husbands…live with your wives in an understanding way.”1 Peter 3:7

      Tomorrow will be the 37th anniversary of the day I asked my wife, Renee, to marry me.  As I reflect on the time between then and now, I am filled with gratitude for the way God has blessed our marriage.  While our relationship is not perfect, we have discovered the things that make a marriage work.  I want to speak to the men about our responsibilities to our wives.
      Part of husbands loving their wives is showing understanding toward them. God’s Word says, “Husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way.” Part of understanding is knowing their need for romance. But another part of understanding your wife is meeting their need for security. God’s Word says that we are to remember they are the “weaker vessel.”
      Now ladies, before you start screaming, realize that this does not mean women are weaker than men intellectually, spiritually, emotionally or relationally. Often women are stronger than men are relationally. But they are usually weaker physically.
     In a world where some men may not have the best intentions toward women, women can feel vulnerable and in need of protection. Providing security for your wife is a way of letting her know that you love her. It meets a great need she hopes you’ll fulfill.

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